Monday, May 12, 2008


This would probably be a neater photo, if the car was in motion and the scene was desert highway, not a suburban state office outpost. But then, I would not be able to take it and drive.

The Love of My Life

The love of my life is not a romantic interest; it is this little girl...6 years old, sharp as a tack, emotional, bright, artistic, funny, sensitive, and fearless. A lot of times, I see her mother in her, but in reflected in the picture below, I see how she is mine...very much so.

And I smile.

My little girl.

I Was Born Too Late.....

The bumper cars at Hoffman's Playland 5/10/08.

I should have been born in the 1920's, so I could enjoy the 1950s as a young man. If I were the same person I am now, I would have embraced the undercurrent of change that was manifesting itself ever so subversively then...the poets, the jazz, the movie makers (Kubrick, for one...a true 1950s independent), the early days of the sexual revolution.

When I go to amusement parks, such as Hoffman's here in the Capital area, and I see things relics like the bumper cars in the photos above, I feel at home.

Interesting, I enjoy the 1950s, but still consider myself a 21st century man.