Yours Truly with Friends at the Local Dive Bar, the G and G Tavern, taken January 30 2008.
For me, the month of February represents endings and beginnings...the conclusion of a year of life (this year, the completion of an entire decade), the beginning of a new year, Valentine's Day, Aquarian magic, cold winter nights...cliche cliche cliche!
Today is Langston Hughes's birthday. Tomorrow is Ayn Rand and James Joyce. The day after that, Gertrude Stein.
On February 6 is Ronald Reagan, Babe Ruth and Axl Rose.
On February 9, William Henry Harrison.
On February 12, Abraham Lincoln and Charles Darwin.
On my birthday, Sir Thomas Moore, Charles Dickens, Laura Ingalls Wilder, Gay Talese, and Sinclair Lewis, authors, respectfully of "Utopia," "Great Expectations," "Little House on the Prairie," "Thy Neighbor's Wife," and "It Can't Happen Here."
Sadly, it can happen here.