Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Last Full Week in My Thirties

This is my last full week in my 30's...actually, starting Thursday.

Wow! A whole decade gone by.

Time to reflect; what have I accomplished in my 30's:

1. I got married to a beautiful, smart and talented woman. A love of my life. She will always be a love of my life.

2. I became the proud father of a beautiful, smart and talented daughter, now 6 years old. She is both her father and her mother's daughter, but most importantly, she is her own person.

3. I ran for office, got killed, but learned some things about myself...one, i don't necessarily like doing door-to-door canvassing; two, campaigning brings out a sexuality in me which is not always evident.

4. I met some really great women!

5. I got my Masters Degree. Public Administration. That's going to really help me in my next career as a teamster.

6. My marriage ended, and I realized that I really am not meant for monogamy.

7. I am a very different person was than when I started the decade.

Onward to 40...then onward to 50!

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