Monday, November 12, 2007

Painter's Progress

Tonight was another poetry night, with my wing gal/fellow traveler/poetic comrade...Shelley was the poet this time. Poems inspired by PBS will follow. Again, the highlight of the night was the simultaneous creativity...poetry and painting...she writing, me painting. One poem, inspired by Shelley...another, with each line having 7 syllables. My friend is more mathematical in her poetry than me...I am all over the place...although I did try a rhyme structure 4(ab)cc.

I now have five canvases going at once. I am in a bit of a block with The Philogynist, perhaps afraid to capture the woman with her red hair in the bed. I have a 30" x 40" canvas with an orange base,an 11" x 14" with a blood red base, an 11" x 14" with a blue base...but it is likely to be a self portrait (I wonder how good-looking and godlike I will appear in the a painting!)...and lastly, a painting of the half-drunk bourbon for my fellow traveler.

A little wine...a little bourbon (Knob Creek)...a cheese and fruit plate.

Again, a wonderful early evening.

Off to Justins.

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