Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Poetry Night Poem - Corner of Union & Columbus

The poet for tonight is Lawrence Ferlinghetti, owner and publisher of City Lights Books.

Corner of Union and Columbus

Corner of Union and Columbus
with cigar and Steam at hand
on the edge of Washington Square
seeking my ideal...

Corner of Union and Columbus
not far from City Lights
not far from Vesuvius
thinking of my ideal...

Corner of Union and Columbus
across a whole continent
left my fellow traveler behind
which is not ideal...

How can I enjoy
this gorgeous city?
How can I relish
my cigar and Steam?
How can I savor
the sweet perfumes
the sunlight on red hair
with you not around
to help pick them up,
to comment and compare?

This won't be the last
time I travel without you
but it is the first since...

I love
San Francisco
but you
Dear Wing Gal,
will be missed.

(c) fprm 2008

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