Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Update on the Muse....and a New One in Progress

The Muse - In Progress

The blue squares on the white board are storyboard squares, yet to be filled out by the painter and the writer. I have to take the leap and do the faces of the gals. That may be the toughest part, because all three models are beautiful. Not sure what I want to do with the storyboard.

INT - Painter Reading the NYT

Originally this was going to be a tribute to Hemingway...but I kind of like the shot for a scene in the movie.

Now, this is semi futuristic/autobiographical...part of the larger epic, "The Philogynist"...about 12 years out...and the question is, do I really think that I could be that gray at 52. My response would be, it is the father of a very determined young lady, the ex-husband of a woman 8 years younger, and my fondness for smart women at least 6 - 10 years younger. I could be that white in the hair and beard.

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