Saturday, October 25, 2008

Writer's Block

...having the hardest time beginning the novel...don't know what to do, where to go, how to begin it.

this may be a function also of some other stressors upon me: the inability to get a decent job, or, it seems, any job, which is not a pleasant situation to face in the middle of a possible recession, and with mortgages and debts and home equity loans, daughter's future, etc. a lot of people do better when they have to write under stress. not yours truly. i enjoy the leisurely pace, creating when i feel like it.

well, i feel like it, but can't do it.

[just got a hug from my little girl...what a sweet voice she has; time to go down and snuggle with her on the is a wet and rainy day in albany: what else worthwhile is there to do?]

1 comment:

Kathie said...

Hope you are defeating that writer's block. I too sometimes experience it. I usually just write through it. What I mean is I just start writing down any random thought that pops into my head, forcing myself to put words on paper. It usually works.
Blessings from Costa Rica