Monday, November 19, 2007

New Poem: Song of Bourbon

For my fellow traveler, bourbon buddy and poetry pal!

Song of Bourbon

my eyes gaze longingly...the hand gently extended
my eyes gaze longingly...lips lightly kiss the rim of the glass
my eyes gaze longingly...the sip slow and satiating

bourbon sweet brown nectar
bourbon our mutual friend
bourbon one motif in a trinity

my look, chin down, eyes straight ahead
my hand, once holding brush, proffers the glass
my smile, standing and watching as you sit in my chair

when did this become such a sacred rite
this ritual of sharing the drink
as sacred as the eucharist in the church of us

poetry as liturgy
painting as prayer
the communal creative process transcends

this song of bourbon never ends

(c) fprm, 2007

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