Monday, December 3, 2007


I have decided to join the Upstate Artists Guild here in Albany. They have shown a number of Lisa's works and had her as a featured artist in the back of their gallery a few months back (she sold well).

At this point, I have no intention of taking any classes. I prefer my barbaric, unschooled ways. Right now, I just want to find my "rhythmn" or my style and then later on work on the technical aspects.

I am a people person by nature, so I join more for the networking.

I've shared some photos of my work thus far with a couple of "real" artists (including Lisa) and have gotten pretty positive feedback (or they are just being polite). That is good, to the extent it demonstrates at least that I am not a total lost cause.

Still a barbarian, though...but perhaps not so much of a hack!

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