Sunday, December 2, 2007

This Country Can Be Saved!

Good news for all Americans on two fronts:

New Hampshire

- The Manchester Union Leader has just endorsed John McCain for President. This is a very influential newspaper in New Hampshire, and they endorse McCain for his competence, his vision, the courage of his convictions. As I have said earlier, it is my hope that McCain surges in New Hampshire to beat Romney and Giuliani.


- A recent poll in Iowa has Mike Huckabee ahead of Romney in Iowa. Now, I don't support Huckabee, because he is a big-government conservative and has limited foreign policy experience, but I like Romney even less. And cannot stand Giuliani. A Huckabee win in Iowa and a McCain win in New Hampshire could lead to a great fight for the GOP nomination. Let's hope the small-government conservative with the foreign policy experience gets the upper hand. Enough Southern Governors!

- Senator Barack Obama is now ahead of Senator Clinton in the polls in Iowa. If his ground game is as good as his polls in the state, we can finally see the beginning of the crumbling of the Clinton candidacy.

As stated before, I am praying for a McCain-Obama race. Both are good men, both solid citizens, both stand against the administration on torture, both were right in their own ways about the war in Iraq. Both can be healers and unifiers...what is needed more than anything right now.

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