Tuesday, December 4, 2007

New Relationship Framework for the New Life

Being the brooder and over-thinker that I tend to be, I have been pondering - post marriage - what type of relationships I want to have with women. And one word continues to emerge: friendship.

I have always been a good friend to women...mostly in the non-carnal state, but that does not mean that I cannot mix the fruits of friendship...ideas, emotions, shared interests...with the fruits of play.

And I have learned that I am at my best in friendships; untethered to any monogamous commitment, but responsible for my actions to my friends...accountable but unrestrained.

So, the same passion that drives ideas can also lead to no-strings-attached play...as long as everyone is honest with each other and I am responsible to the non-carnal aspects of friendships, I should do fine.

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