Saturday, September 29, 2007


This is an age of exploration for me...not of the external type, but internally. Despite the myriad downsides of euthanizing a marriage, there is a positive, and that is the freedom to explore.

From 2005 forward, I would sit at bars and campaign, teach college courses, and walk the streets of Albany, enjoying the sights and sounds and smells of the women I meet and see and would think to myself, "god, I wish I were single." Of course, being married and monogamous, I quickly recanted and buried such thoughts, but they were there. Never cheating, never thinking to ask to "open" the marriage, such thoughts undercurrent that stayed with me.

But back in January, when we formally agreed to end the marriage and move - slowly - toward separation, the floodgates started to open. Being as shy as I knew I was in person, I first began to explore various websites...using my strengths as an e-mailer to reach out. I've been successful in that approach on a couple of fronts...and I have actually made friends with the woman who is now my landlord (but not a lover) through a site, and made acquaintance with my dear friend (also not a lover, but more...much more, much deeper) through online networking.

[A friend of mine cautioned me about the online connection, especially with regard to dating, and my argument was that, if you were looking for casual encounters, it was safer that the era of 1970s and 1980s barhopping, when you didn't have the opportunity to research someone and see if they were telling the truth about themselves to you. I have even used Google as a reference, encouraging women to "look me up." You meet someone in a bar and take them home, you could end up with a nightmare scenario. Online, you at least have some hope of gaining some peace of mind. Not always, but sometimes.]

But back to exploring. I am free to explore, to wander (like the Dion song), to engage in relationships that range from agapic to platonic to erotic and a mix of all three. And I have; and I embrace each experience and relish the passion and the pain (when it occurs) and integrate each woman and each moment into my being. And, beyond the relationship with Mrs. McLain (which has its good and bad days), there has been some pain...mostly due to my own intensity, lack of forthrightness, and emotional recklessness, but there is always with pain a sense of redemption, of hope. With most friendships, I keep my eye to the future...always play long-ball, may get annoyed and irritated, may consider burning my bridges, but always calm down and do the internal cost-benefit analysis. No relationship with any woman is worth tossing away, unless she wants no part of me. Then to hell with it. Otherwise, there's always some amount of redemption.

And then there is the short term pleasure. Since running for office, thinking about being single, meeting and greeting, shaking hands, touching shoulders, smelling perfumes, I have become more sexualized. Always a man of passion, more internal than external, it has become a bit more unleashed. More risks, more fun. Not desperately but intensely, I enjoy touch, and I enjoy being close enough to almost taste the perfume on her neck. And I enjoy eyes and eye contact (although at times I shift mine away first...old fears of rejection). And I love the sound of certain women's voices. The clean enunciation of some, the mild accents of others, the laughter, and sometimes the tears. And even the admonishments. But always the voices.

And then there is the eschewing of the old myth of romantic love. How many people have chased after a one true love, then being disillusioned when the one they thought was "it" was not it. The pedestals we place under people without their quickly they fall when the pedestal, only made of clay, crumbles. And then back on the search for that mythic true one.

For me, there is no one true love. There are many loves, many who meet my emotional, intellectual, and spirtual needs. Some with whom I am physically linked, some just emotionally or intellectually. The one lesson I learned is, one person cannot be expected to meet all my needs, and I cannot expect to meet all of anyone's needs. I no longer expect one woman to love just me. That is unfair. It may work for others but not me. I do not mock exclusivity; it works for some, but I do not ask it of anyone, and hope that they do not ask it of me.

So, the exploration continues. The new framework is a bit more more eggs all in one basket. Friends and family may not understand or appreciate this, but all I can say (with love) is, back me up or stay out of my way! And for those who do understand and appreciate what I write, stay should be a fun ride.

My Girl and I at the Cloister

Currently, I am in the cloister, and for the first time, my 5 year old is with me here. She did pretty well without any television, but I brought over some toys and got her some coloring books and a small table on which she can work. She seems to be doing well. Photo, by the way, is at the Scottish games a few weeks ago.

But sometimes I get a little short and cranky with her, for which I feel a little guilty. We all need to adapt to change; I'll adapt. She is my little girl, and I adore her.

And she is learning and using spanish at a pretty decent clip. So I am proud.

Friday, September 28, 2007

Poem for the Day: Charlie Parker

fried chicken
and Jack!
you and me
in back
of the

Adventures on a Thursday Night

Well, after a very nice and productive class with a good group of students, I meandered down to the Ginger Man for a Steam, and discovered what is so great about cheddar cheese and mustard. I think it's a Wisconsin thing, but I can't be positive about it, but it was great!

Then off to Oh Bar on Lark Street, for some karaoke. I sang "Pop Singer," by John Mellencamp, "Whiskey River," - poorly - by Willie Nelson, and redeemed myself with a rousing rendition of "In Dreams," by Roy Orbison, always thinking of Dean Stockwell's lipsync in Blue Velvet, with cigar and bourbon in hand. Happily, I nursed my two beers at GM and nursed the hell out of my bourbon, so I was relatively sober, which was good for what was to follow...

...the longest time walking my dear friend to her car, accompanied by and then hanging out with a very energized, passionate new pal who appreciates me for my physical attributes and talents (who has a twin sister, who I don't think is very fond of me and may have attachment issues...or it may be because I accidentally called her by her sister's name earlier in the night; I guess that gets her mad).

But what is it with me and my affinity for women who have either latent or blatent tendencies toward women? It's not just your typical pedestrian guy thing (or is it)...maybe it's a subconscious effort to limit myself with regard to emotional access...whatever it is, I see a trend. And dammit if I don't like it!

The Villanelle - Solo!

I don't know how this poem will end,
or whether or not it will open a new door.
Not sure if I want you as a lover or friend.

Past actions you need not defend;
my pain had existed a long time before.
I don't know how this poem will end.

[And will my lust continue to follow a certain trend:
women who dig women! will there be more?
Not sure if I want you as a lover or friend.]

You know I'll always love you, and flowers I will send
til you find me dead of old age on the kitchen floor;
I don't know how this poem will end.

Your talents inspire; your perfume transcends;
Just thinking of you makes my heart soar.
Not sure if I want you as a lover or friend.

Way past the time that I wear Depends,
dearest, please know that I am always yours.
I don't know how this poem will end.
Not sure if I want you as a lover or friend.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

My Candidate for 2008!

To heck with Obama, Clinton, Thompson, McCain, Rudy and the rest. I found my candidate for the White House in 2008!

Now, if we can get Darth Sidious to come out of retirement, there's a ticket you can't beat!

First Poetic Collaboration - Villanelle

With gratitude and glee, I proudly publish the first attempt at poetic collaboration, with my lone blog, "h." A job well done.

I don't know how this poem will end.
You stir such strange feelings in me
Not sure if I want you as a lover or friend.

I think of you, I make pretend
What kind of future could there be?
I don't know how this poem will end.

My will, once strong, begins to bend
And though I give my love to thee
Not sure if I want you as a lover or friend.

A heart, once broken, starts to mend
I smile at the possibility
I don't know how this poem will end.

And when as my "date" you attend
Some event, or show we wanted to see
Not sure if I want you as a lover or friend.

Uncertainty threatens this heart to rend
And even now, I am sorry
I don't know how this poem will end.
Not sure if I want you as a lover or friend.

-written collaboratively by fprm and 'h'

(c) 2007

Concept for a Villanelle

I have the key lines for a villanelle, I just need to fill in the rest...perhaps a little cheese, mustard and beer will help out later tonight.

Here's the framework:

1. I don't know how this poem will end...
2. -----
3. Not sure if I want you as a lover or friend...

4. ---
5. ---
6. I don't know how this poem will end.

7. ---
8. ---
9. Not sure if I want you as a lover or friend.

10. ---
11. ---
12. I don't know how this poem will end.

13. ---
14. ---
15. Not sure if I want you as a lover or friend.

16. ---
17. ---
18. I don't know how this poem will end.
19. Not sure if I want you as a lover or friend.

New Haiku: Delusion?

i feel redemption
at the hands of an old flame!
am i deluded?

(c) fprm, 2007

Haiku for the Day: Writer

afternoon beer buzz;
it's too early for a steak,
or a dry martini.

(c) fprm, 2007

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Haiku for the Day: Urge

Resisting the close up shop and shut down; need some new outlets!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Haiku for the Day: Go!

That black turtleneck! Gorgeous in your tan capris! Dig my hipster chick!

(c) 2007, fprm

Monday, September 24, 2007

Beautiful Weekend

Anyone who lived in the capital area would agree with me that this was a beautiful weekend; the first weekend of autumn, but with highs in the upper seventies/low eighties. Saturday was probably one of the last days that I could enjoy wearing shorts and a short-sleeved shirt. A couple of walks around the neighborhood; a quick stop into Justin's for a beer (and a couple of haikus written); and a return to the bookstore on Dove and Hudson, where I picked up a copy of a book, "We Are All Lincoln Men," about the impact on friendships on President Lincoln through his life.

A nap, pleasantly interrupted by a call from an old friend, then a walk up to the Ginger Man for an early supper and a few beers. I had a pork tenderloin with a Malbec to complement it.

I got to see a very good and wonderful friend there. A sudden downpour delayed my walk home.

Sunday was just as nice: church service with a dear and loving friend, followed by a drive to Stockbridge for some lunch in the courtyard of the Red Lion Inn. I had not been in Stockbridge since earlier in the summer, and my return brought with it pleasant memories of this town and previous walks and moments in another outside part of the inn. The original intent of the trip was to go to the outlets at Lee, which I did, to see if I could afford a Brooks Brothers suit at the factory store; I balked, but picked up a new pair of braces and some socks. A wonderful walk and conversation with my dear friend, a wonderful drive through the Berkshires, and home to spend the evening with my daughter.

One of the activities that I need to learn to enjoy more is spending time by myself, getting used to the time alone at the cloister, without wives, daughters, or cats. Sometimes it is eerily quiet, but it is also enjoyable. I think I shall flourish in my new abode, as long as I don't isolate myself and continue to stay in touch with the outside world, online and in person. The temptation to withdraw or retreat is great, but I always relish human contact.