Friday, December 7, 2007

Friday in Albany, Saturday in NYC

I love Albany on cold days, especially when the air is crisp and dry and the sky is totally blue. Of course, I prefere a little snow on the ground and love the sound of my boots crunching in it on the unshoveled sidewalks (I can do without the ice though).

And then there is Albany at night, on First Friday, when its citizenry - at least those who are interested in art or free food - bop around the galleries, meet and greet each other, enjoy the work of their fellow Albanians. That is tonight's agenda.

Tomorrow, a mellow train ride to NYC at 1, perhaps a visit to the NYPL to see the exhibit on individuals who were long-term inmates (some were there against there will) at the Willard Psychiatric Center.

The trip up to the Met to see the Gauguins may not happen. What I should do is dedicate a whole Saturday to that and do it another time.

Of course, I am having my drink at the Blue Bar at the Algonquin Hotel. I am presenting a painting to my new friend and did another painting for my friend for tonight.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

First Artistic Submission

This is the first painting that I have ever submitted for consideration in a gallery showing, appropriately called, "The Philogynist." If selected, it will hang in at the Upstate Artist Guild's gallery space and will sell for $100. I will hopefully know before Christmas.

I am kind of proud of this piece, as it is the first one I started and it is inspired by the beginning poem of my novel in progress. If it does not sell, I will hang it up in my own place.

The Weekend Is Looking Good

This weekend is going to be a bit busy, it seems:

On Friday, I will have a friend up, and we will enjoy the First Friday activities off of Lark Street...this is where various galleries kick off a new theme or exhibit for the month. It will be fun to bop around - gallery-hopping - and check out what other artists are doing.

On Saturday, a train ride to NYC and a drink at the Algonquin Hotel bar with a lady who is a fellow blogger and a writer (and a very good one at that), perhaps a trip to the Met to check out the Gauguin works.

On Sunday, back home and - very likely - poetry night. I think I will do eecummings.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

New Relationship Framework for the New Life

Being the brooder and over-thinker that I tend to be, I have been pondering - post marriage - what type of relationships I want to have with women. And one word continues to emerge: friendship.

I have always been a good friend to women...mostly in the non-carnal state, but that does not mean that I cannot mix the fruits of friendship...ideas, emotions, shared interests...with the fruits of play.

And I have learned that I am at my best in friendships; untethered to any monogamous commitment, but responsible for my actions to my friends...accountable but unrestrained.

So, the same passion that drives ideas can also lead to no-strings-attached long as everyone is honest with each other and I am responsible to the non-carnal aspects of friendships, I should do fine.

Monday, December 3, 2007


I have decided to join the Upstate Artists Guild here in Albany. They have shown a number of Lisa's works and had her as a featured artist in the back of their gallery a few months back (she sold well).

At this point, I have no intention of taking any classes. I prefer my barbaric, unschooled ways. Right now, I just want to find my "rhythmn" or my style and then later on work on the technical aspects.

I am a people person by nature, so I join more for the networking.

I've shared some photos of my work thus far with a couple of "real" artists (including Lisa) and have gotten pretty positive feedback (or they are just being polite). That is good, to the extent it demonstrates at least that I am not a total lost cause.

Still a barbarian, though...but perhaps not so much of a hack!

Sunday, December 2, 2007


What a wonderful Sunday morning/early afternoon!

I have completed a painting, which is inspired by the following poem,

"Sand in my Sperries
As I walk along the beach;

Salt water and seaweed
drowning my feet.

And I envision you sunbathing
Smiling, tanning in peace;

Hoping and praying I'll see you soon,
While I walk and brood
Alone on the dunes.

Now, content and satiated, I sit on a kitchen chair, wearing a pair of green shorts and a tropical shirt that my wife bought for me on our honeymoon in Montreal six and a half years ago...opened...noticing how grey I am starting to get on my chest, smoking a Hemingway Short Story and drinking a Knob Creek.

An artist at rest...and almost at peace.

This Country Can Be Saved!

Good news for all Americans on two fronts:

New Hampshire

- The Manchester Union Leader has just endorsed John McCain for President. This is a very influential newspaper in New Hampshire, and they endorse McCain for his competence, his vision, the courage of his convictions. As I have said earlier, it is my hope that McCain surges in New Hampshire to beat Romney and Giuliani.


- A recent poll in Iowa has Mike Huckabee ahead of Romney in Iowa. Now, I don't support Huckabee, because he is a big-government conservative and has limited foreign policy experience, but I like Romney even less. And cannot stand Giuliani. A Huckabee win in Iowa and a McCain win in New Hampshire could lead to a great fight for the GOP nomination. Let's hope the small-government conservative with the foreign policy experience gets the upper hand. Enough Southern Governors!

- Senator Barack Obama is now ahead of Senator Clinton in the polls in Iowa. If his ground game is as good as his polls in the state, we can finally see the beginning of the crumbling of the Clinton candidacy.

As stated before, I am praying for a McCain-Obama race. Both are good men, both solid citizens, both stand against the administration on torture, both were right in their own ways about the war in Iraq. Both can be healers and unifiers...what is needed more than anything right now.