Sunday, April 20, 2008


I think I have found a medium through which to write, to convey the issues and to confront the demons that still haunt me: the screenplay.

As it is, when I write, I think of what the image, the scene, the movie would look like...I pick up my metaphorical viewfinder and frame the scene, and my descriptive pieces already read like directions to an actor or for a camera.

So, why not make the leap?

And I have...a four part screenplay...or four different movies, a quartet, part of an epic. Currently on page 95 of The Painter, which was originally called "Pornography." 112 pages of screen time. Three others to follow, the opening scenes for which have already been penned:

- American Primitive, Part One: Psychiatric;
- American Primitive, Part Two: Paradise; and
- American Primitive, Part Four: Pints.

Pints will likely be the next one I tackle in full...the celebration of my love affair with the bar wench!

Why avoid it? Why run from it? Just embrace it!

Should be fun.

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