Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Sometimes, having limited or no access to the internet while at home has its benefits. For the past two weeks, in addition to the obligatory and often painful job hunting, I have been painting. After a stretch of minimal to no painting, I have done a number of pieces, which I have yet to download and share. The titles are as follows. Photos to come, maybe tomorrow.

* The Prisoner, inspired by a lovely young lady visiting from Belo Horizontal, Brazil;

* Study of a Muse, which is a test run for a later painting;

* In the Field, which focuses on the field hat that I have that some question ("what's with the hat")...it keeps the sun out of my eyes and gives a little shade.

* Return to the Blue Movie Motel, all in blue of course, based on a piece just written.

Additionally, I am working on a Kubrick in Heaven piece...which involves a chess board, and I am working on my piece for the October UAG show, the theme of which is "Buried City."

Lastly, related to UAG, a final piece is for the "Reflections" show. In addition to the two self-portraits I will put in, I am working on the background for a piece tha will be featured in the back room and will include a portrait...or representation...of a fellow UAG member...and I have found my first live model...what a good sport she is!

Enough for now...off to Troy to spend time with a lovely friend...who not only keeps me mellow but is able to bring out the sweetness in me.

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