Saturday, January 10, 2009


Today it is a cold Saturday in Albany.

And it is chili day: ground beef and kidney beans, simmering in red wine (Bully Hill's Baco Noir), with a new chili powder concoction I put together. It includes chili powder, salt, pepper, lots of cumin, some nutmeg, a bit of cinammon and a tablespoon of 8 o'clock coffee grinds.

Earlier, I made pancakes and dedicated them to a friend of mine, who enjoys pancakes.

And then I started doing a little painting.

Below are some examples of paintings completed and in progress.

The Playwright's Study

Volcano and Orange Moon


Redhead in Bed - in progress

What is both fun and frustrating for me with oil, as opposed to acrylic, is that I start something new while waiting for others to dry, and it seems as if I do not finish many. Completion is a good thing, but the process...the creative process is more important.

It is supposed to snow tonight into tomorrow, heavily I guess and up to 10" possibly. It is a good day to stay in and paint...drink a beer and have some chili.

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